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C Programming Introduction


hi friends! Before we depth into c program let us understand, what is programming

Programming is the process of creating a set of instructions that tell a computer how to perform a task.Programming can be done using a variety of computer programming languages, such as JavaScript, Python, and C++, PHP, react native, etc.

ex:- websites are developed using php
mobile application can be developed using reactnative etc

Depending on application type, we choose different programming languages to develop it.

Let us see an example of c programming to print "hello world" on screen

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
/* Our first simple C basic program */
printf("Hello World! ");
return 0;

Hello World!

run the code on online compiler or install c compiler on system and run c programs.

C Basic commands Explanation
#include <stdio.h> This is a preprocessor command that includes standard input output header file(stdio.h) from the C library before compiling a C program

int main() This is the main function from where execution of any C program begins.

{ This indicates the beginning of the main function.

/*_some_comments_*/ whatever is given inside the command “/*   */” in any C program, won’t be considered for compilation and execution.

printf(“Hello_World! “); printf command prints the output onto the screen.

return 0;
This command terminates C program (main function) and returns 0.

This indicates the end of the main function.




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